Friday 6 June 2008

BBC continues with excuses

Veteran reporter Frances Harrison is back to report on the targeting of civilians in Sri Lanka. See the link below:

So BBC kind of saying that Bombs are exploding in the south possibly to take revenge against the similar civilian killings in the North. That is an improvement.

Unfortunately BBC can't report from Kilinochchi because of the Sri Lankan government restrictions and verify the incidents and validate the civilian casualty figures, huh?

Give us a break BBC! There is another country in the world where the regime is hostile to the western governments and the western governments would like to get rid of this regime from that country. In that country even more restrictions exist on the western media. In fact the BBC itself is banned from that country. This country's name is Zimbabwe and Robert Mogabe is the regime leader.

BBC did not find the government restrictions a problem there. It reporters clandestinely go into Zimbabwe or to the neighbouring places and give wide coverage to the western public manufacturing a public opinion completely against Mogabe regime - Serving the interests of the western government anti-Mogabe foreign policy.

But the tiny Sri Lankan government can block the great BBC from finding ways to "verify these incidents in the north and validate the civilian casualty figures". Oh As per the Western governments this tiny little sinhala regime in Sri Lanka is considered friendly and no matter how much ruthless they are,the western governments would be sympathetic to them.

So being truly faithful to the morally bankrupt policies of the western powers BBC would continue to selectively report about Sri Lanka maintaining and fostering a picture in the west that Tamils are the villains and not victims. Then just to try and gain some moral high ground BBC would put up excuses like government restrictions for not adequately covering the plight of the northern civilian victims.

We know very well BBC, where your heart and soul are!

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