Tuesday 24 June 2008

BBC continues to persecute 'Sri Lankan' Tamils

The moral brigade of the BBC, dispatches, has now 'exposed' a big scam with Primark. They found Child labour being used to produced Primark garments. All those 'child saviours' are also out in the West to add their $0.02 cents worth from their luxury comfy chairs. This has now led Primark to dump the suppliers in Tamil Nadu, South India.

Guess what? The children these great BBC guys found to have saved are happened to be Sri Lankan Tamil Refugees in prison like camps in Tamil Nadu. These people are the poorest of the poor escaping the murderous Sri Lankan army in Tamil areas of Sri Lanka. Incidentally this is the same Army which is being trained and supported by the Western governments and tacitly promoted by the western Media - including the BBC- as the good guys in Sri Lanka (see my other posts). BBC and the moral brigade in the west would keep stony silence when it comes to the basic denial of life to these kids by brutal Sri Lankan regime. But they will go to town with this so called "child labour". Pushing them to even more destitution in the process.

Thanks BBC for continuously persecuting the Sri Lankan Tamils. Life is already hell for these people in the camps. You would have now made it even worse with blocking one source of their income.

These ones in the Indian Refugee camps are the poorest section of our community. We who live in the west can help them out quite easily but another of your government's friendly ally the Indian regime would not let us do it. For them these refugees are political pawn in their Geo-political games.

Keep it up BBC continue to exploit the children of Sri Lankan Tamils!

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